Demo workflows#

These workflow templates are included in MatFlow as demonstrations. You can copy a demo workflow template to somewhere accessible using the CLI like this:

matflow demo-workflow copy WORKFLOW_NAME DESTINATION

where WORKFLOW_NAME is the name of one of the demo workflows, and DESTINATION is the target copy location, which can be a directory (e.g. "." for the current working directory, or a full file path).

In the Python API, we can copy a demo workflow template file like this:

import matflow as mf

mf.copy_demo_workflow(name, dst)


A workflow to generate a volume element from EBSD data that is extruded in the z-direction. The volume element is modified to include a buffer zone, and uniaxial tension is simulated using DAMASK.

Note: this is a work-in-progress, and material parameters may need to be updated.


A workflow to generate a volume element from EBSD and DIC data that is extruded in the z-direction. The volume element is modified to include a buffer zone, and uniaxial tension is simulated using DAMASK.

Note: this is a work-in-progress, and material parameters may need to be updated.


A simple workflow to demonstrate sampling common “named” cubic textures. Euler angles are taken from L. A. I. Kestens & H. Pirgazi (2016) Texture formation in metal alloys with cubic crystal structures, Materials Science and Technology, 32:13, 1303-1315, DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2016.1231746.


Demonstration of passing DAMASK input files (load case file, geometry file, and material file) directly to the simulate_VE_loading_damask task. Input parameters that are used to generate these input files need not be passed.


Demonstration of providing custom numerics options to DAMASK via the numerics.yaml file. For a list of supported numerics keys, look in the demo-data file numerics_example.yaml; you can copy this file to your current working directory with this command: matflow demo-data copy numerics_example.yaml .


Fit single crystal parameters using an experimental uniaxial tension stress-strain curve and an iterative Levenberg-Marquardt fitting process.


A workflow to fit yield functions to crystal plasticity simulations.


This simple workflow generates a pipeline.json file, and then runs it with Dream.3D’s PipelineRunner command. Phases can be specified and parametrised as if using the “Stats Generator” filter in the Dream.3D GUI.


Workflow to generate a volume element, then increase the grid size, and visualise the original and modified volume elements.


Read tensile test data from a CSV file.


Demonstration of a task to sample a subset of orientations from a CRC file using MTEX, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations. Note that directory to which the CRC_file_path points should also contain a CPR file with the same file name stem as the CRC file.

Note that sample_orientations schemas pick a random subset of orientations from the EBSD data, whereas the sample_texture schemas first construct an orientation distribution function (ODF), from which orientations are then sampled.


Demonstration of a task to sample a subset of orientations from a CTF file using MTEX, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations.

Note that sample_orientations schemas pick a random subset of orientations from the EBSD data, whereas the sample_texture schemas first construct an orientation distribution function (ODF), from which orientations are then sampled.


Demonstration of a task to sample texture from a CRC file using MTEX, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations. Note that directory to which the CRC_file_path points should also contain a CPR file with the same file name stem as the CRC file.


Demonstration of a task to sample texture from a CTF file using MTEX, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations.


Demonstration of a task to sample texture from an MTEX ODF object stored in a binary .mat file, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations.


Demonstration of a task to sample texture from a model orientation distribution function (ODF) using MTEX, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations.


Demonstration of a task to sample texture randomly using MTEX, and produce pole figures of the sampled orientations.


This workflow uses DAMASK full-field crystal plasticity simulations to generate yield surfaces for an aluminium material with different strong textures.


WIP: This workflow uses DAMASK full-field crystal plasticity simulations to generate a yield surface for an aluminium material with the Brass texture.


A simple crystal plasticity simulation using DAMASK. A volume element generated from a random voronoi tessellation is loaded uniaxially, using aluminium (Al) material parameters.


A simple crystal plasticity simulation using DAMASK. A volume element generated from a random voronoi tessellation is loaded uniaxially, using aluminium (Al) material parameters. Multiple simulations can be generated by using the make/go command-line –var option like this (e.g. for 100 repeats): –var N 100.


A simple crystal plasticity simulation using DAMASK. A volume element generated from a random voronoi tessellation is loaded uniaxially, using magnesium (Mg) material parameters.


A simple crystal plasticity simulation using DAMASK. A volume element generated from a random voronoi tessellation is loaded uniaxially, using titanium (Ti) material parameters.